
Skarmory #0227

Skarmory do not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Their wings are hollow, allowing them to travel at high speeds. The fastest Skarmory ever recorded was able to fly at 201 mph (323.5 kph).

Their feathers are incredibly sharp and were once used as weapons, specifically swords. Once a year their wings/feathers are regrown, replacing their battle-battered wings with fresh, sharp feathers.

These Pokémon are also quite territorial and can be difficult to handle. Their behavioral problems can be addressed with plenty of training early on in their development but may be much more difficult to deal with later on. Wild-caught Skarmory are especially difficult to train.


Skarmory survive on a diet of metal and meat; their sharp teeth are great for tearing their food. They can enjoy Poké treats and kibble from time to time, but these should not substitute their metal/meat diet.

Grooming and Maintenance

Skarmory are high-maintenance, especially as they grow. They need their body's armor to be battered as they grow to make their armor strong enough. In the wild, the rough thorns in their natural habitat does the battering for them. I recommend picking up some steel wool and sandpaper for young Skarmory. There are some online stores that sell special whips for conditioning older Skarmory armor, such as this online shop

It is also very important to note how easily Skarmory armor rusts. It is so important to thoroughly dry off your Skarmory if they get wet at all. For more information on rust, you can check my guide to Tarnish and Rust Care. Skarmory's armor rusts far easier than that of any other Steel-type Pokémon I know of so I can't stress enough how important rust prevention is.


Ranking System

rank 3

Due to their sharpness, territorial-behavior, and the amount of maintenance they require, I can't recommend Skarmory as a starter Pokémon. I only recommend Skarmory to dedicated Steel-type trainers who know what their doing and have plenty of time for maintenance.