
Klefki #0707

My partner pokémon! Klefki do not evolve from or into anything. They are small, only about 8 inches (0.2 m) tall, and although they only weight around 6.6 lbs (3 kg), they collect keys which add to their weight. Klefki usually have at least 4 keys with them at all times.

Klefki threaten attacks by jingling their key collection, so it is important to make sure you klefki has at least a small collection of keys. They never let go of a key they like, so be careful what keys you give them. You can buy fake / toy keys for them instead of real important keys. Although they prefer metal keys, some will accept plastic toy keys as well. If they don’t particularly like a key, they will discard it as soon as they’ve absorbed the metal ions from it.

Due to how protective of their keys Klefki are, some people will give important keys to Klefki to protect.


Although Klefki do not need physical food, they enjoy eating minerals and pokétreats. They do need to absorb metal ions, usually from keys, through the horn on their head as that is how they get their energy.

Grooming and Maintenance

Klefki don’t require much maintenance or grooming. Some enjoy being shined / polished, but it is not a requirement.


Ranking System

rank 1

Klefki are wonderful for beginners. They are incredibly even tempered and require little to no maintenance. The most you have to do is offer keys to your Klefki on a regular basis, which many Pokémon Centers will offer for a small fee. Klefki will steal keys if they aren’t offered ones they like often enough, though, so it is very important to keep up with giving them keys.