
Honedge #0679

The pre-evolution of Doublade and Aegislash. Honedge is a pokémon composed of a sword with a blue eye-like gem embedded in the hilt. Professors argue about whether this gem is actually an eye or just appears to be one, and I don’t personally have the expertise to confirm or deny any claims.

They have a sash connected to their pommel (the end of the hilt), which is known to suck the life energy out of anyone who tries to grab it by the hilt. Luckily, they grow out of this behavior when they evolve into Doublade. This can also be trained out of them, though you need a professional trainer to do so!

NOTE: Do NOT try to train your honedge out of energy-draining at home. Only professionals should do so as it can be very dangerous! It requires grabbing the Honedge by the hilt which is NOT SAFE!

It is said that Honedge are born from a human’s soul after they’re killed by the sword… Creepy, and unfortunately we have no way of disproving this, due to their being no new-born Honedge for a long time, as far as I know of, at least.


Honedge do not have a mouth and it is a mystery how they maintain energy. They can get jealous of other pokémon enjoying poké treats, so you may want to offer treats to them anyway or spend extra time with them, possibly grooming them since they love that.

Grooming and Maintenance

Honedge are very proud pokémon and require a large amount of grooming. They are made of brass and steel (brass for their sheathes and steel for their blades), both of which can tarnish. Click here for information on tarnish and rust care! Due to the designs on Honedge’s sheathes, q-tips or toothbrushes will be necessary to get into the crevices.

For the sashes, you only need to clean them when they’re dirty. To clean them, dip them in soapy water, scrubbing any tough stains. Then you can rinse them off in the sink and dry them with a hair dryer (or air dry, though I’ve heard some Honedges will get upset if left wet). If the sashes are overly damaged or stained, you can take your Honedgeshopping for replacements. They can be very picky about fabric color and feel, so it’s important to take them with shopping! You can buy pre-made sashes or make your own. Here is a good tutorial for Honedge sashes (link goes off-site!).

Honedges very much enjoy the process of grooming, so it’s a great way to spend time with your pokémon!


Ranking System

rank 2

Although they do require a good amount of maintenance, Honedges aren’t particularly temperamental and are fairly easy and cheap to raise, since they can’t eat. Although, their life-sucking tendencies definitely are something to be careful about, it can be trained out of them if you are willing to spend the money to do so.