
Bronzong #0437

The evolution of Bronzor. Revered as a bringer of rain and plentiful harvests, Bronzong can be a difficult but fulfilling partner. Bronzong is not suitable for beginners due to it's large size and heaviness, although, being an evolution means it's not usual for it to be a pick of beginners anyway.

Bronzong can be useful in farming as they can summon rain (supposedly with inter-dimensional portals, although said portals seem to be invisible to the human eye). They're also good at getting people's attention with their bell-like cries.

I myself have a Bronzong on my team and they require more care than the rest of my team in terms of bathing, though they're incredibly easy to feed. Their duties at the scrap yard include moving objects with their psychic abilities and alerting workers to shift changes and such.


Like many steel types, Bronzong don't eat often (and usually only eat only metal shavings) but can enjoy poképuffs, malasadas, castellia cones and other pokémon treats on occasion.

Grooming and Maintenance

Bronzong LOVE a good bath and consider it a major bonding experience with their trainer. If you want a Bronzong to like you, knowing how to bathe them is the #1 step!

The intricate markings on Bronzong's coats can be difficult to clean without special attention as Bronzong can't clean them well enough on their own. Luckily, Bronzong do not rust, but they do lose itheir luster over time. The discoloration can be removed with enough care and the proper tools, but you need to be careful or you can permanently damage a Bronzong's coat.

How to remove discoloration on a Bronzong's coat

Use a microfiber cloth to dust the dirt off your Bronzong. Use Q-tips to remove dirt from the designs on Bronzong's coat. Mix a tablespoon or so of natural dishsoap in a bucket, dip the microfiber cloth in and gently wipe down Bronzong's coat. Afterwards, rinse Bronzong with water to remove any leftover soap residue.


Bronzong can hibernate for thousands of years, in fact, there is one known case of a 2000+ year old Bronzong being dug up in a construction site! Due to this, it's important to keep an eye out for signs of hibernation so you can get it to an appropriate location before it falls asleep. It would be unfortunate to have a 400lb Bronzong asleep in your living room for hundreds of years.

Signs of hibernation include:
  • Drowsiness or lethargy
  • Eating large amounts of food
  • Irritability
How to avoid hibernation:
  • Don't over feed (a bowl of metal shavings once every 2-weeks or so should be enough).
  • Bathe regularly.
  • Keep your Bronzong happy! They seem to hibernate voluntarily when they're upset or bored
  • Do NOT bury you Bronzong unless you want it to hibernate as it is GURANTEED to cause hibernation!


Ranking System

rank 3

Due to the heavy grooming requirements, size and heaviness, as well as the hibernation-problems, I have to give this pokémon a rank of 3. They are NOT suitable for beginner trainers.