
Service Pokémon

Hello! July is Disability Pride Month, so I figured I'd talk a bit about Steel-type Service Mons (Pokémon that perform a task related to a person's disability).

To start, I should note that Steel-types generally aren't the best Service Mons due to various factors from their size and weight to their lack of a nose. However, there is a decent selection of Steel-types that can perform tasks.

Also, I'd like to credit New Growth Pokémon Service and Emotional Support Training as a primary source for some of this information!


I'd like to highlight Lucario, specifically, as they are one of the top rated Service Mons for any task! Their ability to sense auras assists them in detecting health concerns, such as impending seizures. They can also smell quite well, making them a good choice for detecting food allergens. detecting auras also gives them the ability to detect some emotions, making them a skilled Emotional Support Mon. Lucario being humanoid also adds to the assistance they can provide.

Lucario can do general caretaker tasks thanks to their humanoid appearance. For example, they can bring pill bottles and other objects to their owner or assist with transferring between a wheel chair and a bed. Overall, they are the best Steel-type choice for a Service Mon, regardless of the task(s) required.


Next I'd like to mention Cufant. Much like Lucario, they can perform a number of tasks. Their trunk can help them detect allergens, as well as provide some mobility aid (a human can hold onto their trunk for balance). A large Cufant can also be ridden. Cufant can also guide their owner.

Allergy Alerts and Other Medical Alerts

Now, Steel-types generally are not the best Pokémon for allergen detection due to the lack of a nose, but these Pokémon do have noses or the ability to smell in general. The sense of smell is used in performing other medical alerts as well.

  • Alolan Sandshrew & Alolan Sandslash
  • Excadrill
  • Durant
  • Togedemaru

Mobility Aid

A pretty decent amount of Steel-types are good for mobility aid. For the most part, these Pokémon can be ridden.

  • Small Copperjah
  • Small Aggron
  • Metang
  • Metagross
  • Bronzong
  • Scizor
  • Bastiodon


Not many Steel-types are suited for guiding, and those that are probably aren't the best choice for it. I'd suggest looking into other Pokémon types before deciding!

The only Pokémon that I found through my research or from my knowledge of Steel-types is Metang and Klefki. Klefki, specifically, can guide by noise. Their keys make a lot of noise when they move and they can be trained to guide their owners.

Auditory Assistance

Not many Steel-types are suited for auditory assistance either, but from my research Togedemaru and the Alolan Sandshrew/Sandslash line are pretty decent at it. Again, I'd recommend looking at other Pokémon first before deciding on one of these Pokémon as your Service Mon.


Although they're not ones first thought when it comes to Service Mons, Steel-types definitely can be trained as such! Of course, I'd recommend researching how to care for whatever Pokémon you decide on, and personally recommend this very site for all your Steel-type needs!