

Hello, this is Ansehelm, the actual person running this site. This is a parody/fansite where I pretend pokémon are real! I got this idea from PKMN IRL blogs on Tumblr (I have one! It's the "Rotomblr" on the homepage!). I kinda feel like the community there focuses too much on long form rp and not enough on "pokémon are real and I'm using a rotom phone to post on tumblr", so I'm focusing on the pokémon first and foremost here, but I digress.

Unfortunately, pokémon are not, in fact, real. This site is all for shits and giggles and special interest indulgence. If you're inspired to copy me PLEASE let me know so I can check you out! I wanna see what you have to say about your favorite pokémon!